Safe Sex After 50

Renowned sexologist Joan Price explains why sex after 50 must include STD protection. People over 50 are more social than ever and more are having sex! That’s the good news. But with this change come issues. People over 50 are getting STDs more than ever before. Incidences of syphilis and chlamydia in adults aged 45

Help Your Marriage Last Longer

This article in the Scientific American, entitled How To Have A Longer Marriage Than Kim Kardashian is a wonderful synopsis of the publications by John and Julie Gottman and their colleagues. Gottman and colleagues have uncovered four crucially toxic behaviors that are bound to end your romantic relationship– contempt, criticism, stonewalling, and defensiveness. If you want to

Gender Myths

As a follow-up to yesterday’s article about the harm of misogyny in our culture, here’s a great one from Thought Catalogue about the pitfalls and inadequacies of gender stereotypes. No, men don’t always want sex all the time. Women can pay for dinner, clothes, cars, a home, etc.  Men can clean a bathroom floor.  Women