The providers at the Long Island Institute of Sex Therapy (LIIST) are in-network for CareConnect, the Northwell/NorthShore-LIJ health insurance designed just for Long Islanders!
CareConnect isn’t just health insurance—it’s healthier insurance. They were created by Northwell Health to make it easier for people to get and stay healthy, so they offer their members access to some of the best doctors and hospitals in the New York area — at prices that are easier to pay.
You can save a lot of money on monthly premiums when you buy an insurance plan from us instead of the “big name” insurers, because of their unique partnership with Northwell Health and other like-minded health care providers allows CareConnect to work more efficiently to get you the care you need.
The CareConnect network is made up of carefully selected hospitals, doctors and other health care providers throughout the New York metro area that have earned top ratings and national and local honors for their superior care. You also get access to more than 100 urgent care centers throughout New York and over 1,000 walk-in clinics nationwide.
Care Connect can find you the right doctor, make your appointments, explain your costs, answer your questions and make sure you get any other help you need. And you never need a referral to see a specialist in-network! Their mission is to make health insurance, and health care, easy.