You may have seen this flyer floating around. And if you have, go take the survey! Seriously. Stop reading. Click this. And take the survey!
Now that you’ve taken the survey, I would like to thank the following people and organizations that have supported the advertising of this study.
First and foremost: has graciously provided each and every participant who completes the study with a $20 Coupon Voucher! (see why you should go take the survey?)
– Barnard College Club of Long Island
– Bisexual Resource Center– their feedback will help better inform the language of the articles published from this study.
– Breast Cancer Awareness- Positive Promotions– Looking for some breast cancer awareness swag? Head on over to Positive Promotions!
– Cancer Fight Club– Aside from the super rad name, Cancer Fight Club supports young adults (mostly in Canada, but in the US as well) kick ass!
– The DC Center for the LGBT Commnunity
– DC Coalition of Black Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Men and Women
– Debbie Bazarsky
– Donna Oriowo
– Hartford Gay and Lesbian Health Collective
– Heather Marcelle
– HSED Dissertation Group
– Lacuna Loft is a non-profit dedicated to encouraging, empowering, and connecting young adults with cancer and chronic illness in order to help them overcome their circumstances and thrive!
– Lesbian and Queer Women’s Book and Film Club of Philadelphia
– The Lesbian Cancer Initiative at The Center in NYC which provides a range of programs, services and counseling to help our LBGT communities protect and preserve their health. Want to quit smoking? Have questions about insurance enrollment? From wellness and mental health support to coping with substance use or living with HIV and AIDS, The Center is here to help.
– LGBT Committee of the NASW NYC
– LGBTQ Research and Researchers in Higher Education and Student Affairs
– Living In The Light – Wellness Group
– Maria Aghazarian-Kyriakopoulos
– Mary Ray Bloodsworth
– Memphis Gay and Lesbian Community Center
– Metro New York District Unitarian Universalist Young Adults
– Mombian, is a lifestyle site for lesbian moms and other LGBTQ parents, offering a mix of parenting, politics, diversions, and resources for all our varied roles. Mombian provides news about LGBTQ families, parenting tips, reviews of books and media for parents and children, and political and legal news and commentary from the perspective of a lesbian mom.
– The National LGBT Cancer Network, a tireless advocate network for improving LGBT health, was among the first organizations to support this survey! Liz Margolies has made it her life’s mission to expose the deep-rooted socio-political structures that heavily negatively impact LGBT health and to increase the medical and political competency around LGBTs and Cancer.
– New Haven Price Center in CT
– Oncofertility Consortium addresses the complex health care and quality-of-life issues that concern young cancer patients whose fertility may be threatened by their disease or its treatment. You can call them at 866-708-FERT to connect with a Patient Navigator.
– Outlinc– making Lincoln, NE, a better place to live, work and play for LGBT folks and our allies!
– Plainview-Old Bethpage Chamber of Commerce
– The Sam Fund provides relief and support to young adult cancer survivors who are struggling financially. Through direct financial assistance and free online support and education, The Sam Fund helps young adults survive and move forward with their lives after cancer!
– Sexuality and Aging Consortium
– Sexuality Professionals of Philadelphia
– Shanna Dusablon-Drone
– Sharsheret– a national not-for-profit organization supporting young women and their families, of all Jewish backgrounds, facing breast cancer.
– Shelby Boyl
– The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center in New York, NY
– The SSSS Student and Early Professionals Group!
– UUCSR Hoodlums
– Well-Woman Alums
– Widener/Penn Human Sexuality Alumni Association
– Women’s Cancer Resource Center
– Young Adult Cancer Connection
– Young Adult Cancer Survivors of Smith Center