I rarely post something religious, but I found this meditation to resonate with my practice as a therapist for couples, relationships and individuals. What are your thoughts? How does love fortify your home? How is your home a refuge for you and your family? What joys and sorrys and mundane tasks has your home held you through? Sundays aren’t the only Sabbath days, how do you make time to care for yourself in whatever way is needed by you?
The Home That Love Made
Amanda Poppei
This is the home that love made.
It is full of the love that the founders felt, when they planned out these walls and raised these beams above us.
This is the home that love made.
It is full of the love of all who have worshipped here; those who have celebrated and grieved here; the babies dedicated, couples married, and family members mourned here.
This is the home that love made.
It is full of the love of our children, as they learn and laugh together, and our youth, as they grow into their own sense of purpose and meaning.
This is the home that love made.
It is full of the love of the staff who have served it, full of their hopes for this congregation, their hard work and their acts of dedication.
This is the home that love made.
It is full of the love of the choir, the love made so clear in the voices lifted here on Sunday morning.
This is the home that love made.
It is full of our love, the love of this community, despite our differences and our disagreements, the love that holds us together as a people.
This is the home that love made. Can you feel it?
May the love be with us always.